Friday, April 12, 2013

Back to blogging

So it’s been a while since my last post. The reason for that is that I've moved to a new country and a new job. I do my current job using a custom built framework built on top of spring, but I don’t even know how does spring work and never interact with that layer. This is bad, most of you think... and your right! I don’t use any widespread technologies, heck, it’s been about a year since I wrote my last servlet! So it occurred to me that since my knowledge about everything else other than my company's framework is shrinking, why don’t I do some studying on my own, read some books, do some practice.

Since we are using spring framework in my company to create the core of the framework that we use to develop applications, I thought its convenient to learn more about spring framework on my own. Although I have been a java developer for about 10 years for now, I've never ever created a project using spring.

My initial purpose of creating  a blog was to have one place where I record all the repetitive gotchas I face during my work so that I can see what I did last time to solve the problem, I do have a bad memory. Then I began writing how-tos for things people might find interesting and useful. Now the blog has been dead for a while and I see that there is traffic coming into the blog, so I thought of writing posts of how I am developing this application, what technologies I am using and for what purpose I am using them. I do plan also to post all researches I do on topics related to what I want to learn.

I will begin posting as soon as I know what type of application I will be writing.

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